Siera Carter druga Amerikanka Orlova
Za Orlove će do kraja sezone igrati još jedna Amerikanka, branič Siera Carter (180 cm, 1997)
Carter ima košarkaško iskustvo samo sa studentskom ligom NCAA. Njezin posljednji kolidž je bio Cent Arkansas u sezoni 2023/24. Nakon 22 odigranih utakmica je bila na prosjecima od 6.9 poena i 3.7 skokova.
NCAA karijeru je počela u University of West Georgia, zatim je bila i na Central Arkansas University.
Srednješkolsku košarku je igrala na Central Christian u Sharpsburgu (Georgia),
Sierra Carter another American player at Orlovi
Orlovi added another American player to its roster by signing guard Siera Carter (180 cm, 1997) for the remainder of the season.
Carter has only college experience so far, playing last time for Cent Arkansas in the NCAA league. In 22 games, she recorded 6.9 points and 3.7 rebounds per appearance in the 2022-23 season.
She started her college career at the University of West Georgia (NCAA) and then moved to Central Arkansas University (NCAA). Carter spent her high school career at Central Christian in Sharpsburg, GA.