Povratak Nike Barić u Celje

Veliko košarkaško ime se je vratilo u WABA ligu: trostruka pobjednica Eurolige Nika Barić (169 cm, 1992) je nakon skoro 14 godina ponovo u Cinkarni Celje.

Barić je prošlu sezonu igra za Polkowice. U prvenstvu Poljske je zaigrala na samo četiri utakmice uz prosjeke od 3.3 poena, 3.0 skokova i 4.0 asistencija. U Euroligi je ostvarila 9 nastupa te imala po 4.2 poena, 1.9 skokova i 3.0 asistencija po utakmica.

WABA ligu je posljednji puta igrala u sezoni 2010/11. U dresu Celja je ostvarila 22 nastupa i imala po 19.0 poena (2P 51%, 3P 40%, slobodna bacanja 77%), 3.4 skokova, 5.5 asistencija i 1.6 ukradenih lopti po utakmici.

Barić je Euroligu osvojila 2016., 2018. i 2019.godine.

Na draftu WNBA lige ju je 2012.godine u drugoj rundi (ukupno 20.pick) izabrala Minnesota Lynx.

Barić je bila i najkorisnija igračica (MVP) premijerne sezone WABA U15 lige 2006/07.

Košarku je nakon Celja igrala još u Rusiji (UMMC Yekaterinburg, Dynamo Kursk and Sparta&K Vidnoe Moscow Region, Nika) i Turskoj (Elazig Il, Mersin).


Three-time Euroleague champ Nika Baric reunites with Celje

A big name is back to the WABA League! A three-time Euroleague champion Nika Baric (169 cm, 1992) reunited with Cinkarna Celje almost 14 years after leaving the Slovenian side.

Baric played most recently at Polkowice in the Polish League. In four games last season, she recorded 3.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, and 4.0 assists per appearance. She also played nine games in the Euroleague, where she averaged 4.2 points, 1.9 rebounds, and 3.0 assists.

In her last WABA season 2010-11, Baric averaged 19.0 points (2P 51%, 3P 40%, FT 77%), 3.4 rebounds, 5.5 assists and 1,6 steals in 22 games with Celje.
She won the Euroleague championship titles in 2016, 2018 and 2019.

In 2012 she was drafted by the Atlanta Dream (WNBA) in the second round (20th overall) by the Minnesota Lynx.

Barc was also the MVP of the inaugural 2007 WABA u15 league.

Baric has played also professionally in Turkey (Elazig Il and Mersin) and Russia (UMMC Yekaterinburg, Dynamo Kursk and Sparta&K Vidnoe Moscow Region, Nika).


Foto: Vito Korber/waba-league.com