Kapetanice najavile WABA U15 Final-Four
Nakon trenera su očekivanja pred Final-Four WABA U15 lige 2023/24 predstavile i kapetanice svih četiri klubova.
Janina u WABA U15 ligi:
2023/24 – prva sezona, najbolja ekipa regularnog dijela sezone
Hana Jerković, kapitenica Janine: “I congratulate all teams for their well-deserved place at the Final 4 and welcome them to Rogaska Slatina. We completed the regular season flawlessly, but now we must forget that fact and focus 100% on our game. Anais Gobec, Zala Canzek and I already have the experience of winning the WABA U17 League and we must give our less experienced teammates much-needed support and confidence in the upcoming matches.”
Reyer Venezia Mestre u WABA 15 ligi:
2023/24 – prva sezona, drugoplasirana ekipa regularnog dijela sezone
Caterina Bontempelli, kapitenica Reyer Venezia Mestra: “We are happy to have arrived in the top four teams of the tournament Waba League. It was a great experience and we are ready to face the final phase of the tournament. We care about doing well and we will fight to win.”
Forna #Futurosa u WABA U15 ligi:
2023/24 – prva sezona, trećeplasirana ekipa regularnog dijela sezone
Marisol Bazzara, kapitenica Forne #Futurose: “Playing against teams from the Adriatic and Eastern Europe is a big chance for us to see how good we are in a high-level international context. It helps us get better and come together as a team. This is an important experience for us, and it is an opportunity to raise the bar and overcome our limits.”
Budućnost Bemax u WABA U15 ligi:
2019/20 – 4.mjesto
2022/23 – 6.mjesto
2023/24 – četvrtoplasirana ekipa regularnog dijela sezone
Martina Terić, kapitenica Budućnosti Bemaxa: “As for the semi-final itself, I must say that we are playing against a very good team, which will probably have some home field advantage, but I am sure that each of us will give our best from start to finish. In general, as far as the plan for the final tournament is concerned, it is to give our best an thus reach our goal.”
Foto: Bruna Čeh