Daniela Wallen u Montani 2003

Montana 2003 u Novu godinu ulazi sa pojačanjem na krilnoj poziciji. Daniela Wallen (179 cm, 1995) je druga igračica iz Venezuele u WABA ligi nakon što je prošle sezone u Lavovima Brčko bila Aguehil Fajardo.

Wallen je posljednje ljeto igrala u Čileu i sa klubom Los Leones osvojila regularni deo prvenstva. Odigrala je 12 utakmica te je bila u vrhu nekoliko statističkih kategorija: prva po ukradenim loptama (5.2), drugi skakač (12.9), treći asistent (4.3) te četvrti strijelac (18.3).

U sezoni 2024/25 je na Islandu sa Keflavikom osvojila prvenstvo i Kup. Nakon 37 prvenstvenih utakmica su njezini prosjeci bili 15.5 poena, 11.8 skokova, 4.9 asistencija i 2.9 ukradenih lopti.

Reprezentativka Venezuele je još od 2013.godine, a dvije godine prije je prvi puta zaigrala i za reprezentaciju do 16 godina. Na prošlogodišnjim kvalifikacijama za Olimpijske igre u Medelinu (Kolumbija) je odigrala sve tri utakmica sa prosjecima od 18.0 poena, 6.7 skokova i 3.0 ukradenih lopti.

Wallen je igrala na već četiri kontineta (Europa, Sjeverna i Južna Amerika, Australija), a njezini klubovi su bili još United (Australija), Peli Karhut (Finska), Sol de America Asuncion (Paragvaj) i IK Eos (Švedska).

Studentsku košarku je igrala za Northwest Florida State College i Oklahoma City University s kojim je 2017.godina osvojila prvenstvo lige NAIA.

Uz prvenstvu Islanda je osvojila još prvenstva Paragvaja i Finske.


Montana 2003 signs Daniela Wallen at forward

Montana 2003 added depth to its roster by signing Venezuelan forward Daniela Wallen (179 cm, 1995).

She becomes only the second Venezuelan player in the WABA League after Aguehil Fajardo, who played for Lavovi Brsko last season.

Wallen played this summer at Los Leonos in Chilean league. In 12 games she was league’s forth best scorrres with 18.3 points and averaged 12.9 rebounds (ranked 2nd), 4.3 assists (ranked 3rd) and league-leading 5.2 steals per game. She helped them to win the regular season and make it to the final.

The last season she played at Keflavik in Icelandic Subway League where in 37 games she had very remarkable stats: 15.5ppg, 11.8rpg (#5 in the league), 4.9apg and 2.9spg (ranked 4th). Wallen contributed to her team winning the Icelandic League title and the cup.

She has been also a member of the Venezuelan international program for some years. Wallen has regularly played for the Venezuelan senior team since 2013 and previously for U16 National Team back in 2011.
She represented Venezuela at the Olympic Games Pre-Qualifying Tournament in Medellin (Colombia) last year. Her stats at that event were 18.0 points, 6.7 rebounds and 3.0 steals per game in 3 appearances.

Wallen is quite an experienced player. She has played on four different continents (Europe, Latin America, Australia and of course North America). She has played previously professionally in Australia (United), Finland (Peli Karhut), Paraguay (Sol de America Asuncion) and Sweden (IK Eos).
Wallen played college basketball for Northwest Florida State College and Oklahoma City University and won the NAIA championship with the later in 2017.

In 2018, she also won the Paraguayan League championship with Sol de America Asuncion, the following year she won the Finnish championship as a member of Peli-Karhut.


Foto: fiba.basketball