Završni turnir potvrdila i Budućnost Bemax
Tri kola prije kraja regularnog dijela WABA lige 2021/22 je nakon Cinkarne Celje plasman na završni turnir osigurala i Budućnost Bemax pobjedom u Skopju.
U 5.kolu Superlige su važne pobjede protiv direktnih rivala za ulazak na Final-Four ostvarili još Montana 2003 i Orlovi.
WABA Superliga liga 2021/22 – 5.kolo, 3.II. / 2021-22 WABA SuperLeague, Round 5, February 3
Montana 2003-Vojvodina 02 74-59 (15-6, 21-23, 24-9, 14-21)
Manuel Markov, coach of Montana 2003: »A very important victory for our team. Of course important for the ranking but the most important thing for me is that we are back to our rhythm and to the style we are looking for. I think we played a good game. We managed to limit their big players, although Sarah Loomis scored 20 again. In general the key to success today was the fight under the two baskets – we won there. That is why I want to congratulate the whole team for their diligence and fighting spirit. Today we worked as a team. I congratulate the opponent today because they show progress with each passing game.«
Plamen Pozega-Orlovi 77-84 (14-18, 22-26, 31-15, 10-25)
Vladimir Englman, trener Plamen Požege: AUDIO
Marija Kešeljević, Plamen Požega: AUDIO
Dragana Svitlica, trener-igračica Orlova: AUDIO
Borivoj Svitlica, Orlovi: AUDIO
Badel 1862-Buducnost Bemax 59-67 (24-14, 20-19, 6-21, 9-13)
Перо Стамески, тренерот во екипата на Бадел 1862: »Čestitke za gostinskata ekipa. Čestitke i za našite devojki u ož go dadoa svojot maksimum. Favoritot je opravda favoritskata uloga.«
Vladan Radović, trener Budućnosti Bemaxa: »Bili smo bez ritma u prvom poluvremenu, uzimali previše šuteva za tri, slabo koristili bonus, što je Badel 1862 iskoristio. Međutim, u nastavku smo došli do svoje igre, uspjeli relativno brzo da se vratimo i zasluženo dođemo do pobjede.«
02/03 Triglav-Cinkarna Celje 50-68 (20-17, 10-18, 11-17, 9-16)
Foto: ŽKK Cinkarna Celje