Zadar Plus odustao od WABA lige

ŽKK Zadar Plus je obavijestio BORD WABA lige, da zbog loše financijske nije u mogućnosti nastaviti takmičenje u WABA ligi 2024/25 odnosno da istupa iz daljnjeg takmičenja.

U skladu sa službenim pravilima košarkaške igre i propozicijama WABA lige i FIBA-e se sve utakmice Zadar Plusa (odigrane i neodigrane) registriraju službenim rezultatom 20-0 korist protivničkih ekipa.

U Skladu sa Članom 43.3. Propozicija WABA lige se ŽKK Zadar Plus zbog odustajanja od takmičenja kažnjava sa kaznom od 3.500,00 EUR i gubi pravo na učešće u WABA ligi u sledeće tri sezone.


Zadar Plus withdraws from the 2024-25 WABA League

Zadar Plus informed the Board of the WABA League today that due to financial problems, it is not able to play the remaining games of the 2024-25 WABA League.

It means that Zadar Plus withdraws from the 2024-25 WABA League.

As per the Official Basketball Rules, the games (played and unplayed) were awarded to their respective opponents with a score of 20-0. Furthermore, the forfeiting team Zadar Plus will receive 0 classification points in the standings.

Following Article 43.3. of the Proposition of the WABA League Regulation (withdrawing from the competition), ZKK Zadar Plus is fined EUR 3,500.00. It loses the right to participate in the WABA League in the next three seasons.