WABA U15 2007-2022

Regionalna liga za igračice do 15 godine je startala 2006.godine pod imenom BCAA (Basketball Cup Alpe-Adria).

2014.godine je postala deo MŽRKL (Međunarodna ženska regionalna košarkaška liga), a od 2016.godine se igra pod imenom WABA (Women’s Adriatica Basketball Association).

Prvi pobjednik je bila ekipa Jing Jang iz Trbovlja sa trenerom Damirom Grgićem koji jedini ima tri seniorska naslova prvaka WABA lige.

MVP prvog Final-Four 2007.godine u Koprivnici je bila Nika Barič (Jing Jang) koja je kasnije osvojila čak tri naslova prvaka FIBA Eurolige.


WABA U15 League 2007-2023

WABA U15 League started in 2006 as BCAA (Basketball Cup of Alpe Adria). In 2014. joined the MZRKL (International Women’s Regional Basketball League) and since the start of the 2016-17 season has had the name WABA U15 League.

The first champion was Jing Jang of Trbovlje with coach Damir Grgic who has become last month the first coach to win the WABA League Championship title for a third time after leading Cinkarna Celje to glory in the 2023 final in Podgorica.

The first Final Four MVP was Nika Baric of Jing Jang, the three times FIBA Euroleague Champion with UMMC Ekaterinburg (2016, 2018 and 2019).





Prvi pobjednik WABA (BCAA) lige 2007.godine.

Prvi s desne stoji trener Damir Grgić, u prednjem redu s brojem 9 Nika Barič.