Vojvodina 021 odustala od WABA lige

ŽKK Vojvodina 021 je Bord WABA lige danas obavijestila, da zbog obaveza u nacionalnom prvenstvu i kupu Srbije nije u mogućnosti odigrati preostalih sedam utakmica regularnog dijela WABA lige 2020/21.

ŽKK Vojvodina 021 time odustaje od daljnjeg takmičenja u WABA ligi 2020/21 i sukladno propozicijama WABA lige i FIBA-e se sve utakmice Vojvodine 021 (odigrane i neodigrane) registriraju službenim rezultatom 20-0 korist protivničkih ekipa.


Vojvodina 021 withdraws from the 2020-21 WABA League

ZKK Vojvodina 021 informed the Board of the WABA League today that due to obligations in the national championship and the Serbian Cup, it is not able to play the remaining seven games of the 2020-21 WABA League regular season.

It means that ZKK Vojvodina 021 withdraws from the 2020-21 WABA League.

As per the Official Basketball Rules, the games (played and unplayed) were awarded to their respective opponents with a score of 20-0. Furthermore, the forfeiting team ZKK Vojvodina 021 will receive 0 classification points in the standings.