U Zagreb još dvostruka U17 prvakinja

Nova igračica Zagreba je dvostruka prvakinja WABA U17 lige (2017 i 2018), krilni centar Marta Savić (185 cm, 2001).

Savić je oba naslova osvojila sa Trešnjevkom 2009 te je ujedno bila izbrana u najbolju petorku Final-Foura WABA U17 lige 2018. u Ljubljani.

Za Trešnjevku je od 2017. do 2020. igrala i WABA ligu. U tri sezone je odigrala 44 utakmica uz prosjeke od 5.6 poena, 3.9 skokova, 0.6 asistencija, 1.1 ukradenih lopti i 0.4 blokada.

Posljednje četiri godine je bila u NCAA ligi kod Wyominga s kojime je izborila WNIT Elite Eight. Prošlu sezonu je na 33 utakmica imala prosjeke od 5.2 poena, 3.2 skokova, 0.5 asistencija, 0.3 ukradenih lopti i 0.3 blokada.


Zagreb adds two-time WABA U17 champion Marta Savic

Zagreb has bolstered its frontcourt by inking power forward Marta Savic (185 cm, 2001).

Savic played the last four seasons with Wyoming in the NCAA. She helped them to make it to the WNIT Elite Eight. Savic averaged 5.2 points, 3.2 rebounds, 0.5 assists, 0.3 steals and 0.3 blocks over 13 minutes in 33 NCAA games last season.

Savic has already played in the WABA League from 2017 to 2020 with Tresnjevka 2009. During three WABA seasons, she averaged 5.6 points, 3.9 rebounds, 0.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 0.4 blocks in 44 games.

Savic won the 2017 and 2018 WABA U17 Championship titles with Tresnjevka and was named to the 2018 WABA U17 Final-Four All-Star Team.


Foto: gowyo.com