Triple-Double Sarah Boothe
Američki centar Sarah Boothe (190 cm, 1990) je prva igračica u WABA ligi 2024/25 sa ostvarenim triple-doubleom. U domaču pobjedu Montane 2003 protiv Partizana 1953 sa 77-62 je ugradila 19 poena, 12 skokova i 10 asistencija.
Ovo je osmi triple-double u WABA ligi u posljednjem desetljeću: ostvarile su ga Marina Ristić (22.1.2020), Shakyla Hill (25.12.2019), Latinka Dušanić (12.12.2018), Andželika Mitrašinović (11.1.2023 i 18.1.2003), Dragana Živković (18.2.2023) i Lea Bartelme (9.1.2024).
Sarah Boothe set a triple-double
American center Sarah Boothe (190 cm, 1990) is the first player in the WABA League this season to post a triple-double with 19 points, 10 rebounds, and 12 assists, powering Montana 2003 to a 77-62 home win over Partizan 1953.
Boothe became only the seventh player in the last decade to register a triple-double performance.
Marina Ristic did that on January 22, 2020, Shakyla Hill on December 25, 2019, Latinka Dusanic on December 12, 2018, Andzelika Mitrasinovic on January 11, 2023, plus on January 18, 2023, Dragana Zivkovic on February 18, 2023, and Lea Bartelme on January 9, 2024.
Foto: Lucija Vezilj