Triple-double Marine Ristić

Marina Ristić (165 cm, 1987) je ostvarila triple-double sa 17 poena, 10 skokova i 13 asistencija za drugu pobjedu Orlova u WABA ligi. Banjalučanke su u 14.kolu pobjedile Trešnjevku 2009 sa 76-55.

Brojke Ristićeve su još impresivnije jer je prva igračica Orlova sa triple-doubleom te tek druga sa takvim ostvarenjem u WABA ligi 2019/20.

Shakyla Hill (170 cm, 1996) iz Kraljeva je triple-double postigla 25.XII. u pobjedi kod Crvene zvezde Kombank sa 84-68.


Marina Ristic records triple-double

Marina Ristic (165 cm, 1987) dished out a triple-double performance of 17 points, 10 rebounds and 13 assists while powering the Orlovi to second win of the 2019-20 WABA League Season. Orlovi defeated Tresnjevka 2009 by 76-55 in the game of Round 14.

But Ristic’s numbers were more impressive as she became only the first player from Orlovi to register a triple-double performance and only the second player this season to complete such feat.

Kraljevo’s Shakyla Hill (170 cm, 1996) did that in a win at Crvena zvezda Kombank by 84-68 on December 25.