Tri pojačanja Zagreba
Zagreb u drugi deo WABA lige 2022/23 ulazi jači za čak tri igračice. Jedinom hrvatskom klubu u regionalnoj ligi su se priključile reprezentativka Anđela Marić (179 cm, 1999), centar Josipa Pavić (188cm, 1999), obje već imaju WABA iskustvo, i američka razigravačica Monette Bolden (169 cm, 1999) kojoj će to biti prva sezone u Europi.
Anđela Marić je posljednje dvije sezone bila u Njemačkoj kod Rheinlanda. U sezoni 2021/22 je do ozljede zaigrala na četiri utakmice Bundeslige sa prosjecima od 5.0 poena i 1.3 skokova. U 2021.godini je u kvalifikacijama za Eurobasket upisala dva nastupa za reprezentaciju.
Marić (ex Katavić) je u WABA ligi sa Trešnjevkom 2009 već odigrala četiri sezone. U razdoblju od 2016. do 2020.godine je upisala 33 nastupa uz prosjeke 11.7 poena, 4.1 skokova, 2.2 asistencija, 1.3 ukradenih lopti i 0.2 blokada.
Josipa Pavić dolazi iz češkog kluba Slavia Praha za koji ove sezone je na četiri prvenstvene utakmice ostvarivala po 8.0 poena, 4.0 skokova, 0.8 asistencija i 0.8 ukradenih lopti.
WABA ligu je za Trešnjevku 2009 igrala od 2017. do 2020.godine, zatim prešla u Rutronik Stars Keltern (Njemačka) te slijedeću sezonu u MBK Ružomberok (Slovačka). Svoju posljednju WABA sezonu je završila sa 14.2 poena, 9.8 skokova, 2.2 asistencija, 0.9 ukradenih lopti i 0.3 blokada.
Monette Bolden je diplomirana na Northwestern State University. U prošloj sezoni 2021/22 je u NCAA ligi odigrala 25 utakmica i imala prosjeke od 12.1 poena, 5.7 skokova, 2.9 asistencija i 1.8 ukradenih lopti. Igrala je još za Bossie-Paris Community College (JUCO) i Louisiana Tech University (NCAA).
Zagreb adds three players
Zagreb strengthened its roster for the second part of the 2022-23 WABA season by adding three players. Croatian National member Andjela Maric (179 cm, 1999) and Croatian center Josipa Pavic (188 cm, 1999), both already had WABA experience, while American point guard Monette Bolden (169 cm, 1999) will play for the first time in Europe.
Andjela Maric has played for the last two years at Rheinland in Germany. She averaged 5.0 points and 1.3 rebounds over 13 minutes in just 4 Bundesliga games during the 2021-22 season before the injury. Maric played for Croatian National Team in two games in 2021.
Maric (ex-Katavic) played four seasons in the WABA League with Tresnjevka 2009. She had 33 appearances in the competition between 2016 and 2020 with a career average of 11.7 points, 4.1 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 1.3 steals and 0.2 blocks. She has already played with Split.
Josipa Pavic arrived from the Czech side Slavia Praha for whom she averaged 8.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.8 steals over 20 minutes in just 4 ZBL Czech League.
She played in the WABA League with Tresnjevka 2009 from 2017 to 2020 before moving to Rutronik Stars Keltern (Germany) and the next year joined MBK Ruzomberok (Slovakia). In her last WABA season, she averaged 14.2 points, 9.8 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 0.9 steals and 0.3 blocks.
Monette Bolden just graduated from Northwestern State University. She averaged 12.1 points, 5.7 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 1.8 steals in 25 NCAA games last season. She has already played with Bossie-Paris Community College (JUCO) and Louisiana Tech University (NCAA).
Foto: ŽKK Cinkarna Celje