
Tea Perić iz Play Offa u Split

Split je popunjavanje ekipe za debi u WABA ligi započeo pod košem, gdje će igrati Tea Perić (187 cm, 1999).

Perić već ima iskustvo sa WABA ligom, jer dolazi iz Play Off Ultre za koji je igrala posljednje dvije godine. U prošloj sezoni je zaigrala na svih 12 utakmica uz prosjeke od 3.6 poena, 2.9 skokova, 0.6 asistencija, 0.8 osvojenih lopti i 0.3 blokada. U prvenstvu BiH je imala nešto bolju statistiku: 4.3 poena, 5.3 skokova, 0.8 asistencija i 0.8 osvojenih lopti na 24 odigrane utakmice.

Perić je sa igranjem košarke počela kod Zrinjskog 2010, u sezoni 2015/16 je sa Livnom bila sudionik Final-Foura WABA/MŽRKL U17 lige, a prošle godine je za reprezentaciju BiH igrala na juniorskom prvenstvu Europe u Mađarskoj.


Tea Peric moves from Play Off Ultra to Split

Split added size to its frontcourt ahead of its WABA League debut campaign by signing Bosnian Tea Peric (187 cm, 1999)

Peric arrives from fellow WABA League side Play Off Ultra, where she spent last two seasons. In the latest one, Peric averaged 3.6 points, 2.9 rebounds, 0.6 assists, 0.8 steals and 0.3 blocks over 13 minutes in 12 WABA League games. Those numbers increased into 4.3 points, 5.3 rebounds, 0.8 assists and 0.8 steals in 24 Bosnian League games.

Peric grew up with Zrinjski 2010 Mostar youth teams and has already played for Livno in 2015-16, helped them the WABA/MZRKL U17 Final-Four, before joining Play Off Ultra in 2016. She was a member of the Bosnian junior National team at the 2017 European Championship played in Hungary.