
Prvakinja svijeta igrala trubu

Iz NCAA lige je u Celje, WABA ligu i prvu europsku sezonu Chatrice White (191 cm, 1996) došla sa naslovom svjetske prvakinje do 19 godina te se odmah pokazala za veliko pojačanje. Amerikanka je sa 21 poena, 11 skokova, 3 asistencije i 2 blokade bila najkorisnija igračica (MVP) 2.kola WABA lige 2018/19 u kojem je Cinkarne Celje u derbiju pobjedila Montanu 2003 sa 85:68.


Chatrice White o tekmi z Montano 2003     (AUDIO)

O prvih vtisih o WABA ligi in evropski košarki     (AUDIO)

Prve tekme v dresu Cinkarne Celje je v predsezoni odigrala proti ekipam iz NCAA lige     (AUDIO)

Leta 2015 je z reprezentanco ZDA zmagala na svetovnem prvenstvu za mlade do 19 let     (AUDIO)

Številko 32 nosi, ker jo je oče klical »32« še preden se je začela ukvarjati s športom     (AUDIO)

Od petega razreda do konca srednje šole je v orkestru igrala trobento     (AUDIO)


MVP and the trumpet

Former U19 World Champion Chatrice White (191 cm, 1996) needed just two games to capture her first title in the WABA League. American became the MVP for Round 2 after leading Cinkarna Celje to a 85-68 win over Montana 2003.

White scored 21 points on 6-of-14 two-point shooting and 3 of 4 behind the 3-point line. She also grabbed 11 rebounds, dished 3 assists and had 2 blocks for a performance index rating of 27.


Chatrice White aboute the game against Montana 2003      (AUDIO)

Her first impressions about the WABA League and basketball in Europe     (AUDIO)

About the pre-season debut for Cinkarna Celje against several NCAA teams     (AUDIO)

She was a member of the 2015 USA Basketball U19 World Championship team that captured the gold medal with a perfect 7-0 record at 2015 FIBA U19 World Championship in Chekhov, Russia.     (AUDIO)

Wears No. 32 because: her dad has called her “32” since before she started playing sports.     (AUDIO)

Most people don’t know: she played the trumpet from fifth grade through high school.     (AUDIO)


Foto: Gojko Kusić