Play Off nakon pet godina
Novi prvak BiH je Play Off iz Sarajeva koji je naslove već osvojio 2016. i 2017.godine.
Drugoplasirana ekipa regularnog dijela sezone je u finalnoj seriji sa 3-2 u pobjedama bila bolja od branitelja naslova Orlove.
BiH u WABA ligi 2022/23 ima dva mesta koja po plasmanu propadaju Play Offu i Orlovima.
Play Off is Bosnia and Herzegovina champion after five years
The new champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Play Off of Sarajevo who has already won the championship titles in 2016. and 2017.
The second-placed team of the regular season won their third Championship title with a 3-2 victory over the defending champion Orlovi in the 2022 Finals series.
Bosnia and Herzegovina have two places in the 2022-23 WABA League, which belong to Play Off and Orlovi.