Petorka Triglava blizu senzacije
Zbog bolesti i ozljeda je u rosteru Triglava za unaprijed igranu utakmicu 6.kola WABA Superlige 2021/22 bilo samo pet igračica, ali je svejedno Montani 2003 pružio žestok otpor (82-87).
Iako je Nika Horvat u već 18.minuti zaradila četvrtu osobnu pogrešku (utakmicu je odigrala do kraja), su Kranjčanke u posljednje dvije minute ušle sa smo tri poena zaostatka i napadom. Bugarke su se obranile, a zatim je Dimana Georgieva sa dva vezana koša spriječila senzaciju i Montani 2003 i toretski osigurala Final-Four WABA lige 2021/22.
Triglav has only five players in 82-87 loss to Montana 2003
Triglav had only five players in uniform today for its back-to-back contest with Montana 2003, suffering an 82-87 loss.
Montana 2003 became the third team to secure a Final-Four spot, joining Cinkarna Celje and Buducnost Bemax.
WABA Superliga 2021/22 – 6.kolo, 8.II. / 2021-22 WABA SuperLeague, Round 6, February 8
Triglav-Montana 2003 82-87 (13-15, 25-28, 23-28, 21-16)
Gašper Sluga, trener Triglava: »Čestitke nasprotniku za zmago in še enkrat pohvale mojim igralkam za prikazano.«
Manuel Markov, coach of Montana 2003: “We achieved two victories that cost us a lot of efforts. Triglav are a good and well-organized team with a very good coach. In both matches, they made it extremely difficult for us and especially in the second they were very close to success even though they had such a short roster. I congratulate them for the will they have shown and I hope Alina Kvargic’s injury is not serious. We played without two main players and the other girls had to compensate. Hristina Ivanova is a very important part of the team and we definitely missed her but there are much more important things in life than a victory or a ranking. She was where she needed to be. Of course, I am happy for reaching the final four. This year the league is quite contested. I want to show the best we can in the final phase. I take this opportunity to thank everyone in Kragujevac for their help in playing these two games.”
15/02 Budućnost Bemax-Cinkarna Celje 18.00 CET (Podgorica/Bemax Arena)
16/02 Vojvodina 021-Plamen Požega tba (Novi Sad/Petrovaradin)
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