Odgođene dvije utakmice 6.kola

Bord WABA lige je doneo odluku o odgađanje dvije utakmice 6.kola te novom terminu jedne odgođene utakmice 4.kola WABA lige 2020/21.

Utakmica 4.kola Orlovi-RMU Banovići, koja se je trebala igrati u srijedu, 18.XI., te je odgođena, će se dogovorom klubova igrati 23.XII.

Utakmica 6.kola Vojvodina 021-Cinkarna Celje, koja se je trebala igrati u srijedu 2.XII., je odgođena. Vojvodina 021 je zamolila za odgodu jer je više igračica zaraženih koronavirusom.

Utakmica 6.kola Budućnost Bemax-Partizan 1953, koja su se trebale igrati u četvrtak 3.XII., je odgođena. Partizan 1953 je zamolio za odgodu jer je više igračica zaraženih koronavirusom.

2020-21 WABA Round 4 rescheduled game and Round 6 suspended games

WABA Board has announced the following schedule changes for Round 4 and Round 6 of the 2020-21 WABA League Regular Season.

Round 4: Orlovi vs RMU Banovici, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, November 18,  and postponed, will be played on Wednesday, December 23 by agreement both teams

Round 6: Vojvodina vs Cinkarna Celje, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, December 2, has been suspended. Vojvodina 021 requested the suspension of the game due to multiple COVID-19 positive cases that do not allow the team to have a minimum of eight players on the Authorisation List fit to play.

Round 6: Buducnost Bemax-Partizan 1953, originally scheduled to be played on Thursday 3, has been suspended. Partizan 1953 requested the suspension of the game due to multiple COVID-19 positive cases that do not allow the team to have a minimum of eight players on the Authorisation List fit to play.