Odgoda i novi termin
Bord WABA lige je doneo odluku o odgodi utakmice 2.kola te novom terminu 7. kola WABA lige 2021/22.
Utakmica 2.kola Basket Kam-Orlovi, koja se je trebala igrati 6.X.2021 te je odgođena. Basket Kam je zamolio za odgodu jer je više igračica zaraženih koronavirusom.
Utakmica 7.kola RMU Banovici-Montana 2003, koja se treba igrati 24.XI., je dogovorom klubova predelegirana na četvrtak, 7.IX. te će se igrati u Montani umjesto u Banovićima.
2021-22 WABA rescheduled games
WABA Board has announced the following schedule changes for Round 2 and Round 7 of the 2021-22 WABA League Regular Season.
Round 2: Basket Kam-Orlovi, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, October 6 has been suspended. Basket Kam requested suspension of the game due to multiple COVID-19 positive cases that do not allow the team to have a minimum of eight players on the Authorisation List fit to play.
Round 7: RMU Banovici vs Montana 2003, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, November 24 has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 7, in Montana, Bulgaria, instead of Banovici, Bosnia and Herzegovina, by agreement of both teams.