MVP regularnog dijela: Andreona Keys
Prvi puta nakon sezone 2014/15 najkorisnija igračica (MVP) regularnog dijela WABA lige dolazi iz slovenskog kluba Cinkarne Celje. U sezoni 2019/20 je to američko krilo Andreona Keys (181 cm, 1995).
U regularnom dijelu WABA lige 2019/20 je Andreona Keys odigrala 11 utakmica. Sa prosjekom 17.2 poena je drugi strijelac lige, šesti skakač (8.0) i osma po ukradenim loptama (2.2). Ima i 2.7 asistencija i 0.3 blokada po utakmici te najvišu valorizaciju – 21.6.
Posljednji MVP regularanog dijela WABA lige iz redova Celja je bila Marica Gajić (2014-15).
Regular season MVP: Andreona Keys
For the first time since 2104-15 season, the MVP of WABA League regular season comes from the Slovenian club Cinkarna Celje
American forward Andreona Keys (181 cm, 1995) is the MVP of the 2019-20 WABA regular season.
During the 2019-20 WABA regular season, Andreona Keys played 11 games, averaging league-second best 17.2 points (2P 56%, 3P 32%, FT 77%), 8.0 rebounds (ranked sixth), 2.7 assists, 2.2 steals (ranked eighth), 0.3 blocks and an efficiency rating of 21.6.
The last MVP of WABA regular season from Celje was Marica Gajic (2014-15).