MVP regularnog dijela: Ana Poček
Treću sezonu u nizu najkorisnija igračica (MVP) regularnog dijela WABA lige dolazi iz bugarskog kluba Beroe. U sezoni 2018/19 je to crnogorski krilni centar Ana Poček (190 cm, 1993).
U regularnom dijelu WABA lige 2018/19 je Ana Poček odigrala 13 utakmica. Sa prosjekom 20.2 poena i 11.7 skokova je najbolji strelac i skakač lige te ima i 3.6 asistencija (deveta), 2.1 osvojenih lopti (deveta), 0.4 blokada (16.mjesto)i po utakmici te najvišu valorizaciju – 20.2.
Crnogorka je bila pravi lider bugarske ekipe te je pokazala odlične igre. Izabrana je bila za MVP meseca novembra i januara, bila je zajednički MVP okrobra te MVP 1. i 7.kola WABA lige 2018/19.
Prijašnji MVP regularanog dijela WABA lige iz redova Beroe su bile Monique Reid (2016-17) and Tearra Banks (2017-18).
Regular season MVP: Ana Pocek
For the third straight season in a row, the MVP of WABA regular season comes from the bulgarian club Beroe. Montenegrin power forward Ana Pocek (190 cm, 1993) is the MVP of the 2018-19 WABA regular season.
During the 2018-19 WABA regular season, Ana Pocek played 13 games, averaging league-leading 20.2 points, 11.7 rebounds plus 3.6 assists (ranked ninth), 2.1 steals (ranked ninth), 0.4 blocks (ranked 16th) and an efficiency rating of 20.2. She also notched league-leading 8 double-doubles.
Beroe’s Montenegrin player proved a terrific team leader and one of the season’s most exciting performers. Not surprisingly, Pocek has been chosen MVP of December and January plus co-MVP of October MVP and was the MVP of the 2018-19 WABA League Round 1 and Round 7.
Previous MVP of WABA regular season from Beroe were Monique Reid (2016-17) and Tearra Banks (2017-18).
Foto: Gojko Kusić