mina djordjevic 2017

MVP januara: Mina Đorđević

Otvaranje BTravel WABA Superlige 2017-18 je obeležila Mina Đorđević (188 cm, 1999) iz redova srpskog šampiona Crvene zvezde koja je najkorisnija igračica (MVP) januara 2018.

Đorđević je u januaru odigrala dve utakmice i imala proseke od 20.5 poena, 10.5 skokova, 1.0 asistencija i 2.5 osvojenih lopti za valorizaciju indexa 23.0 koji je u januaru 2018 bio najviši među svim igračicama BTravel WABA lige. Za dva poena je šutirala 61.1 %, za tri poena 22.2% i slobodna bacanja 81.3.

Srpska krilna igračica je mesec u ukupnom poretku završila kao četvrti skakač BTravel WABA lige sa prosekom 8.5 skokova po utakmici, osma po poenima (15.0) i četvrta po valorizaciji (19.7).


MVP for January: Mina Đorđević

The start of the 2017-18 BTravel WABA SuperLeague had been highlighted by Mina Đorđević (188 cm, 1999) of the Serbian champion Crvena zvezda, who is MVP for January 2018.

By the time January was finished, Đorđević had accumulated averages of 20.5 points, 10.5 rebounds, 1.0 assists and 2.5 steals for a 23.0 average performance index in January, which were all team highs. She hitting 61.1% of her two-pointer, 22.2% on threes and 81.3% at the free throw line during two games..

Serbian power foward finished the month sitting fourth in the full-season rankings for BTravelWABA League in rebounds with 8.5 averaged, eighth in scorers (15.0) and fourth in index performance (19.7).