MVP januara: Audrey McElhaney
Odličan mjesec je imala Audrey McElhaney (180 cm, 1997) i američko krilo Duge je najkorisnija igračica (MVP) januara WABA lige 2023/24.
Audrey McElhaney je u januaru na tri utakmice Superlige prosječno upisivala po okruglih 20 poena, 10.7 skokova, 2.7 asistencija, 3.7 ukradenih lopti i po jednu blokadu za prosječnu ocjenu indexa valorizacije 26.3 koji je najbolji među svim igračicama WABA lige.
Audrey McElhaney je u dosadašnjem dijelu WABA lige 2023/24 šesti bloker (0.7 po utakmici), osma po poenima (16.5 po utakmici) i indexu valorizacije (16.5), dvanaesti skakač (7.6) te šestnaesta po ukradenim loptama (2.2).
MVP for January: Audrey McElhaney
Big month for American forward Audrey McElhaney (180 cm, 1997) of Duga grants her the 2024 WABA League MVP for January honors.
Audrey McElhaney averaged 20.0 points, 10.7 rebounds, 2.7 assists, 3.7 steals and 1.0 blocks for a 26.3 average performance index rating in January, which were all team highs.
Audrey McElhaney ranks sixth this season in blocks (0.7 per game), eight in points (16.5) and in average performance index rating (16.5), 12th in rebounds (7.6) and 16th in steals (2.2).
Foto: Goran Tomić/