MVP grupne faze: Monique Reid

Američka krilna igračica Monique Reid (184 cm, 1990) iz Montane 2003 je najkorisnija igračica (MVP) grupne faze WABA lige 2023/23. Odigrala je svih 8 utakmica, na parketu u prosjeku provodila po 36 minuta i ostvarivala po 27.0 poena, 13.1 skokova, 4.6 asistencija, 1.8 ukradenih lopti i 0.5 blokada sa impresivnom valorizacijom 30.0.

Reid je bila MVP WABA lige 2022/22 u X. i XI.mjesecu te MVP 3., 4. i 5.kola.

32-godišnja Amerikanka je prva igračica u povijesti WABA lige sa dva naslova najkorisnije igračice grupne faze jer je taj trofej osvojila već u sezoni 2016/17.


MVP of the Group Stage: Monique Reid

American forward Monique Reid (184 cm, 1990) of Montana 2003 is the MVP of the 2022-23 WABA League Group stage. She produced 23.5 points, 13.1 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.8 steals and 0.5 blocks over 36 minutes per game in 8 appearances for an amazing index performance of 30.0.

Reid has been chosen 2022-23 WABA MVP for October and November plus MVP for Round 3, Round 4 and Round 5.

The 32-year-old became the first player to earn MVP of the Group Stage second time in the WABA League as she has already won that award for the 2016-17 season.


Foto: chervenkarton.com