MVP decembra: Tina Trebec

Prvi puta nakon februara 2015 je naslov najkorisnije igračice (MVP) meseca pripao slovenskoj košarkašici, nakon što je Tina Trebec (190 cm, 1990) iz dvostrukog uzastopnog bugarskog prvaka Montane 2003, MVP WABA lige 2019-20 u decembru..
29-godišnji slovenski centar igra u WABA ligi četvrtu sezonu te formu podiže iz utakmice u utakmicu. Montana 2003 je u decembru pobjedila u tri od ukupno četiri utakmice, uspjehe je ostvarila protiv Cinkarne Celje, Trešnjevke 2009 i Orlova, a Trebec je svaki put bila ključna igračica.
Trebec je u decembru u prosjeku upisivala 23.3 poena (šut iz igre 62%), 7.3 skokova, 1.3 asistencija, 1.5 ukradenih lopti i 0.7 blokada po utakmici za valorizaciju 25.3.


MVP for December: Tina Trebec

For the first time since Februayr 2015 the WABA League award for the most valuable player (MVP) of the month will go to the Slovenian player as Tina Trebec (190 cm, 1990) of Bulgarian back-to-back champion Montana 2003 has been chosen WABA League MVP for December.
The 29-year-old Slovenian center, playing her fourth season in WABA League, got more and more efficient as the month progressed. Montana 2003 won three of their four matches in December, defeating Cinkarna Celje, Tresnjevka 2009 and Orlovi, and Trebec had a key role in all three games.
Trebec averaged 23.3 points (FG 62%), 7.3 rebounds, 1.3 assists, 1.5 steals and 0.7 blocks in December for an index performance 25.3.