MVP 8.kola: Adijat Adams

Prvi puta u povijesti WABA lige najkorisnija igračica (MVP) kola dolazi iz redova Basket Kama. Američki centar Adijat Adams (188 cm, 1992) je nagradu osvojila u 8.kolu sezone 2021/22.

Adams je protiv Triglava odigrala svoju najbolju utakmicu u WABA ligi. Postigla je 20 poena sa šutem za dva 7-8 i slobodnim bacanjima 6-7 te je imala i 17 skokova, 2 asistencije, jednu ukradenu loptu i 3 blokade. Utakmicu je završila sa indexom valorizacije 37.

Adams je drugi puta u karijeri MVP kola WABA lige, nakon što je premijerni naslov osvojila u X.mjesecu 2019.godine.


2021-22 WABA League Round 8 MVP: Adijat Adams

For the first time in club history, Basket Kam has the most valuable player (MVP) of the WABA League Round as American center Adijat Adams (188 cm, 1992) earned the honor in Round 8.

Adams produced her best performance of her WABA League career as shined against Triglav with 20 points after making 7 of 8 two-pointers and she was 6 of 7 from the foul line, as well grabbed 17 rebounds, dished 2 assists, and had one steal and 3 blocks for a performance index rating of 37.

Adams earns this honor for the second time in her career, the first having come almost come in October 2019.


Top 5 igračica 8.kola WABA lige 2021/22 – Top 5 players of the 2021-22 WABA League Round 8:

37-Adijat Adams (Basket Kam vs Triglav) – 20 points (2P 7-8, FT 6-7), 17 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 4 turnovers, 3 blocks.

35-Kapinga Maweja La mama (Plamen Pozega vs Cinkarna Celje) – 22 points (2P 8-9, FT 6-8), 14 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 turnovers, 3 blocks.

33-Dimana Georgieva (Montana 2003 vs Partizan 1953) – 23 points (2P 10-12, FT 3-4), 10 rebounds, 4 assists, 1 steal, 2 turnovers.

33-Aleksandra Stojanovska (Badel 1862 vs RMU Banovici) – 23 points (2P 4-5, 3P 6-8, FT 4-5), 2 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals, 2 turnovers, 2 blocks.

25-Isabela Lyra Ramona (Cinkarna Celje at Plamen Pozega) – 16 points (2P 8-15), 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 5 steals, 1 turnover & Carna Prokic (Vojvodina vs Orlovi) – 17 points (2P 1-3, 3P 4-5, FT 3-4), 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 6 steals, 5 turnovers.


Foto: gol.mk