MVP 3.kola Superlige: Audrey McElhaney
Američka krilna igračica Audrey McElhaney (180 cm, 1997) je prva košarkašica Duge u povijesti WABA lige sa naslovom najkorisnije igračice (MVP) kola.
U 3.kolu Superlige 2023/24 je odigrala svoju najbolju utakmicu u WABA lige i sa indexom valorizacije 43 izjednačila najbolji PIR. Za 24 poena je promašila samo jedan od ukupno 11 šuteva iz igre te pogodila 2 od 4 slobodnih bacanja. Sa 13 skokova je ostvarila treći double-double u sezoni te dodala još 5 asistencija, 6 ukradenih lopti 1 blokadu.
2023-24 WABA SuperLeague Round 3 MVP: Audrey McElhaney
American forward Audrey McElhaney (180 cm, 1997) is the first player of Duga in the history of the club to take the MVP of the Round award after being the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the 2024 WABA SuperLeague Round 3.
Mc Elhaney pulled out her greatest WABA League performance to date with 24 points, missing just one of her 11 field-goal attempts. She made 2 of 4 free throws to go with 13 rebounds for her third double-double of the season plus, 5 assists, 6 steals and 1 block for a performance index rating (PIR) of 43, tying the best performance in the entire 2023-24 season.
Top 5 igračica 3.kola WABA Superlige 2023/24 – Top 5 players of the 2023-24 WABA SuperLeague Round 3:
43-Audrey McElhaney (Duga at Partizan 1953) – 24 points (2P 10-11, FT 4-6), 13 rebounds, 5 assists, 6 steals, 3 turnovers, 1 block.
31-Jite Sophia Gbemuotor (Cinkarna Celje vs Montana 2003) – 16 points (2P 8-8, 3P 0-2), 10 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals, 1 turnover, 1 block.
29-Thayna Silva (Cinkarna Celje vs Montana 2003) – 25 points (2P 8-12, 3P 1-6, FT 6-10), 4 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steals, 1 turnover, 1 block.
20-Tina Dinčić (Partizan 1953 vs Duga) – 10 points (2P 4-7, 3P 0-2, FT 2-2), 10 rebounds, 8 assists, 1 steal, 4 turnovers.
19-Marina Stojić (Partizan 1953 vs Duga) – 6 points (2P 2-6, 3P 0-1, FT 2-2), 3 rebounds, 10 assists, 8 steals, 3 turnovers.
Foto: Goran Tomić/