MVP 15.kola: Zala Friškovec
Cinkarna Celje nije samo visoko pobjedila vodeći Beroe u derbiju 15.kola WABA lige 2018/19, štoviše, jedna od njezinih zvijezda u usponu Zala Friškovec (179 cm, 1999) već treći puta u sezoni osvojila naslov najkorisnije igračice (MVP) kola.
Friškovec je dominirala sa osobnim rekordom od 27 poena. Pogodila je šest od osam šuteva za dva poena te trojke šutirala 4-6. Imala je i 6 skokova, 4 asistencije, 2 osvojene lopte i najbolji index valorizacije u karijeri – 30. Cinkarna Celje je pobjedila Beroe sa 90-68.
Friškovec je ove sezone 2018/19 MVP već bila u 5. i 6.kolu.
2018-19 WABA League Round 15 MVP: Zala Friskovec
Cinkarna Celje not only aced the derby against Beroe in Round 15 of the 2018-19 WABA League Regular Season, but one of its risings stars, guard Zala Friskovec (179 cm, 1999), earned the MVP of the Round honor for the third time this season.
Friskovec dominated with a career-high 27 points. She made 6-of-8 two-point attempts and connected on 4 of 6 shots from behind the arc.
Friskovec also had 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals and and a career-high performance index rating of 30 as Cinkarna Celje topped Beroe 90-68.
Friskovec was previously MVP in Round 5 and Round 6 this season.
Top 5 igračica 15.kola WABA lige 2018/19 – Top 5 players of the 2018-19 WABA League Round 15:
30-Zala Friskovec (Cinkarna Celje vs Beroe) – 27 points (2P 6-8, 3P 4-6, FT 3-5), 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals, 3 turnovers.
25-Nikolina Dzebo (Buducnos Bemax at Triglav) – 18 points (2P 6-9, 3P 0-2, FT 6-6), 14 rebounds, 2 assists, 4 turnovers.
24-Katarina Ristic (Triglav vs Buducnost Bemax) – 23 points (2P 0-2, 3P 6-11, FT 5-5), 2 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, 2 turnovers.
22-Tamara Kapor (Buducnost Bemax at Triglav) – 19 points (2P 4-5, 3P 2-4, FT 5-6), 7 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 turnover.
21-Chatrice White (Cinkarna Celje vs Beroe) – 15 points (2P 6-8, 3P 0-2, FT 3-3), 7 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 1 turnover, 1 block.
Foto: Gojko Kusić