MVP 1.kola: Jite Sophia Gbemoutor
Nigerijska krilna igračica sa slovenskim državljanstvom Jite Sophia Gbemuotor (188 cm, 2004) je bila na otvaranju sezone 2023/24 protiv Plamena Požege u svojoj 50. utakmici u WABA ligi tek peti puta starter te osvojila naslov najkorisnije igračice (MVP) 1.kola sa indeksom valorizacije 37.
Gbemoutor je sa 18 poena i 15 skokova ostvarila svoj drugi double-double u WABA ligi. Za dva poena je šutirala 8-12, slobodna bacanja 2-3 te dodala 5 asistencija i 6 ukradenih lopti u samo 23 minuta.
Gbemoutor je bila najbolja mlada igračica WABA lige u sezoni 2021/22.
2023-24 WABA Round 1 MVP: Jite Sophia Gbemuotor
The Nigerian forward with Slovenian citizenship Jite Sophia Gbemuotor (188 cm, 2004) was in the starting five for only the fifth time in her 50 WABA games for Cinkarna Celje in the opening game of the 2023-24 WABA League against Plamen Pozega and earned the Group Stage Round 1 most valuable player (MVP) award with a performance index of 37.
Gbemuotor posted 18 points and 15 rebounds to record her second double-double in her WABA career. She made 8 of 12 two-pointers and 2 of 3 free throws while collecting 5 assists and 6 steals over 23 minutes.
Gbemuotor was named Youth Player of the 2021-22 WABA League.
Top 5 igračica 1.kola WABA Lige 2023/24 – Top 5 players of the 2023-24 WABA League Group Stage Round 1:
37-Jite Sophia Gbemuotor (Cinkarna Celje vs Plamen Pozega) – 18 points (2P 8-12, FT 2-3), 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 6 steals, 2 turnovers.
32-Niyah Becker (Cinkarna Celje vs Plamen Pozega) – 25 points (2P 11-11, 3P 0-3, FT 3-4), 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, 1 turnover, 2 blocks.
31-Thayna Silva (Cinkarna Celje vs Plamen Pozega) – 19 points (2P 7-7, 3P 1-3, FT 6-6), 14 rebounds, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1 turnover.
30-Andjela Sipka (RMU Banovic vs Duga) – 24 points (2P 6-8, 3P 1-5, FT 9-12), 16 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, 5 turnovers.
28-Lea Bartelme (Cinkarna Celje vs Plamen Pozega) – 13 points (2P 5-8, 3P 1-2), 9 rebounds, 9 assists, 2 steals, 1 turnover.
Foto: Denis Čeh/