MVP 1.kola: Ana Poček
Puno igračica se je istaklo na početku WABA lige 2018/19, ali ni jedna kao Ana Poček (190 cm, 1993).
Krilni centar Beroa je odigrala utakmicu za pamčenje i naslov najkorisnije igračice (MVP) kola WABA lige osvojila četvrti put u karijeri, skoro punih osam godina nakon prvoga!
Ana Poček na gostovanju kod Crvene zvezde postigla 26 poena (2P 9-18, 3P 0-1, 1P 8-10) te je imala još po 2 asistencije i osvojene lopte te čak 20 skokova, čime je postala tek treća igračica u posljednjih pet sezona sa 20 ili više skokova na jednoj utakmici. Poček je utakmicu završila sa indexom 31.
2018-19 WABA League Round 1 MVP: Ana Pocek
Many players shined brightly at the start of the 2018-19 WABA League this week, but none did so more than Beroe’s power forward Ana Pocek (190 cm, 1993), who delivered a memorable opening night performance and earned her fourth MVP of the WABA League Round honor, almost an eight years after her first.
Ana Pocek scored 26 points, making 9-of-18 for two-pointersand 8 of 10 her free throws. She also tallied 2 assists, 2 steals and an amazing 20 rebounds, became just the third player in last five seasons to have 20 or more rebounds in one single-game. Pocek accumulated a performance index 31, the highest in Round 1.
Top 5 igračica 1.kola WABA lige 2018/19 – Top 5 players of the 2018-19 WABA League Round 1
31-Ana Poček (Beroe at Crvena zvezda) – 26 points (2P 9-18, 3P 0-1, FT 8-10), 20 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals , 7 turnovers.
27-Snežana Bogičević (Crvena zvezda vs Beroe) – 25 points (2P 7-9, 3P 3-3, FT 2-2), 5 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals, 4 turnovers.
26-Taylor Manuel (Montana 2003 vs Tresnjevka 2009) – 22 points (2P 7-12, FT 8-9), 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals, 5 turnovers, 1 blocks.
26-Breanna Lewis (Beroe vs Crvena zvezda) – 26 points (2P 12-15, FT 2-4), 7 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 4 turnovers.
25-Rangie Bessard (Cinkarna Celje at Triglav) – 23 points (2P 7-11, 3P 2-4, FT 3-3), 6 rebounds, 2 steals.