Kim Pierre-Louis u reketu Kraljevu

Kraljevo je centarsku liniju pojačalo kanadskim krilnim centrom Kim Pierre-Louis (183 cm, 1993) koja je prošlu sezonu odradila u Njemačkoj kod Rutronik Stars Kelterena.

U Bundesligi je odigrala 28 utakmica sa prosjecima 13.6 poena i 7.3 skokova. Keltern je igrao finale doigravanja, nakon što je regularni delo završio kao drugi. Pierre-Louis je igrala i EuroCup te je na 6 utakmica bilježila po 10.2 poena, 7.3 skokova i 1.2 asistencija.

U sezoni 2017/18 je igrala za XCYDE Angels Noerdlingen u isto tako Njemačkoj. Na 24 utakmice je ostvarila impresivnu statistiku: 17.3 poena, 10.1 skokova (peti skakač lige) i 1.3 asistencija

Pierre-Louis je 2016.godine osvojila prvenstvo Rumunjske sa ASC Sepsi SIC Sfantu Gheorghe.

U NCAA ligi je do 2015.godine igrala za University of Massachusetts


Kraljevo acquire Kim Pierre-Louis

Kraljevo strengthened its frontcourt by inking Canadian power forward Kim Pierre-Louis (183 cm, 1993). She played most recently at Rutronik Stars Keltern in Germany.

In 28 games she averaged 13.6 points and 7.3 rebounds last season. Pierre-Louis helped them to make it to the final after they ended regular season as second best team. She also played 6 games in Eurocup where she had 10.2 points, 7.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists per appearance.
The previous (2017-18) season Pierre-Louis played at XCYDE Angels Noerdlingen in Germany, too. In 24 games she recorded very impressive stats: 17.3 points, 10.1 rebounds (ranked fifth) and 1.3 assists.

Among other achievements Pierre-Louis won Romanian League championship title in 2016 with ASC Sepsi SIC Sfantu Gheorghe.
She attended University of Massachusetts until 2015.


Foto: aumannpress-foto.de