Gabriela Nikolova ponovo u Montani 2003
Nakon jednogodišnjeg odsustva se je u Montanu 2003 vratila Gabriela Nikolova (183 cm, 1997).
Za bugarsku krilnu igračicu će to biti treće razdoblje sa Montanom 2003 za koju je igrala u sezoni 2015/16 te od 2019. do 2023. godine. U drugoj eri je odigrala 64 WABA utakmica sa prosjecima od 5.4 poena, 3.1 skokova, 1.4 asistencija i 0.7 ukradenih lopti po meču.
Nikolova je 2019.godine sa drugim bugarskim klubom Beroe osvojila WABA ligi i predstojeća sezona 2024/25 će biti njezina već osma u WABA ligi.
Nikolova je prošlu sezonu igrala u Portugalu za Clube Desportivo Escola Francisco Franco. Zabilježila je 22 nastupa i prosjeke od 8.8 poena, 6.0 skokova, 1.6 asistencija i 1.3 ukradenih lopti.
Gabriela Nikova back to Montana 2003 after a one-year absence
After one year of absence, Bulgarian forward Gabriela Nikolova (183, 1997) returned to Montana 2003 for the 2024-25 season.
This is Nikolova’s third stint with the club, where she played during the 2015-16 season and between 2019 and 2023. Over her second run with the club, she appeared in 64 WABA games averaging 5.4 points, 3.1 rebounds 1,4 assists and 0.7 steals per game.
She won the WABA Championship title with another Bulgarian side Beroe in 2019. It will be her eighth season in the WABA League.
Nikolova arrives from Clube Desportivo Escola Francisco Franco where she averaged 8.8 points, 6.0 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.3 steals in 22 Portugal Liga Feminina games last season.
Foto: Sasa Jankovic/