Feniks odustao od lige
Feniks se je ove godine prvi puta prijavio u WABA ligu, ali u propisanom i zatim dopunskom roku nije uplatio kotizaciju te je Bord WABA lige obavijestio, da odustaje od WABA lige 2021/21
Sukladno propozicijama WABA lige i FIBA-e se sve utakmice Feniksa registriraju službenim rezultatom 20-0 u korist protivničkih ekipa.
Feniks withdraws from the 2021-22 WABA League
Bosnian runner-up Fenix, who joined the WABA League for the first time this summer, has withdrawn from the 2021-22 season competition due to financial problems (unpaid deposit).
As per the Official Basketball Rules, all games were awarded to their respective opponents with a score of 20-0. Furthermore, the forfeiting team Feniks will receive 0 classification points in the standings.