Dvije odgode i novi termini

Bord WABA lige je doneo odluku o odgodama i novim terminima za dvije utakmice 6.kola te terminima odgođenih utakmica 1.kola i 2.kola WABA lige 2021/22.

Utakmica 1.kola RMU Banovići-Plamen Požega, koja se je trebala igrati 29.XI.2021 te je odgođena, će se odlukom komesara igrati u ponedjeljak, 15.XI.2021.

Utakmica 2.kola Basket Kam-Orlovi, koja se je trebala igrati 6.X.2021 te je odgođena, će se dogovorom klubova igrati u subotu, 6.XI.2021.

Utakmica 6.kola Vojvodina 021-Basket Kam, koja se je trebala igrati 3.XI.2021 je dogovorom klubova predelegirana na četvrtak, 11.XI.2021. Vojvodina 021 je zamolila za odgodu, jer u istom terminu igra utakmicu nacionalnog prvenstva.

Utakmica 6.kola Cinkarna Celje-Partizan 1953, koja se je trebala igrati 3.XI.2021 je dogovorom klubova predelegirana na srijedu, 17.XI.2021. Partizan 1953 je zamolilo za odgodu, jer u istom terminu igra utakmicu nacionalnog prvenstva.


2021-22 WABA rescheduled games

WABA Board has announced the following schedule changes for Round 1, Round 2, and Round 6 of the 2021-22 WABA League Regular Season.

Round 1: RMU Banovici vs Plamen Pozega, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, September 29, and postponed, will be played on Monday, November 15, by decision of Commissioner.

Round 2: Basket Kam vs Orlovi, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, October 6, and postponed, will be played on Saturday, November 6, by agreement of both teams.

Round 6: Vojvodina 021 vs Basket Kam, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, November 6, has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 11, by agreement of both teams. Vojvodina 021 will play their game of the Serbian national championship league at the same time, which has a priority over the WABA league.

Round 6: Cinkarna Celje vs Partizan 1953, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, November 6, has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 17, by agreement of both teams. Partizan 1953 will play their game of the Serbian national championship league at the same time, which has a priority over the WABA league.