Dvije odgode i tri nova termina

Bord WABA lige je doneo odluku o odgađanju dvije utakmice 7.kola te novim terminima utakmica 1. i 8.kola.

Utakmica 1.kola Montana 2003-Beroe, koja se je trebala igrati 14.X. te je odgođena, će se dogovorom klubova igrati u subotu 12.XII.

Utakmica 1.kola RMU Banovići-Cinkarna Celje, koja se je trebala igrati 14.X. te je odgođena, će se dogovorom klubova igrati u nedjelju, 20.XII., u Celju..

Utakmica 7.kola Beroe-Vojvodina 021, koja se je trebala igrati u srijedu 9.XII, je odgođena. Vojvodina 021 je zamolila za odgodu, jer u istom terminu igra zaostalu utakmicu prvenstva Srbije.

Utakmica 7.kola Partizan 1953-Orlovi, koja se je trebala igrati u srijedu 9.XII, je odgođena. Partizan 1953 je zamolilo za odgodu, jer u istom terminu igra zaostalu utakmicu prvenstva Srbije.

Utakmica 8.kola Cinkarna Celje-RMU Banovići, koja se je trebala igrati u srijedu 16.XII, je dogovorom klubova predelegirana na subotu, 19.XII.


2020-21 WABA rescheduled games

WABA Board has announced the following schedule changes for Round 1, Round 7 and Round 8 of the 2020-21 WABA League Regular Season.

Round 1: Montana 2003 vs Beroe, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, October  14 and postponed, will be played on Saturday, December 12.

Round 1: RMU Banovici vs Cinkarna Celje, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, October  14 and postponed, will be played on Sunday, December 20 in Celje, Slovenia by agreement of both teams.

Round 7: Beroe vs Vojvodina 021, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, December 9 has been suspended. Vojvodina 021 requested the suspension of the game due to a domestic league game at the same time.

Round 7: Partizan 1953 vs Orlovi, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, December 9 has been suspended. Partizan 1953 requested the suspension of the game due to a domestic league game at the same time.

Round 8: Cinkarna Celje vs RMU Banovici, originally scheduled to be played on Wednesday, December 16 is rescheduled for Saturday, December 19 by agreement of both teams.