Deveti uzastopni naslov bez poraza

Košarkašice Budućnosti Bemaxa već deceniju ne znaju za poraz na domaćoj sceni, a to je potvrđeno osvajanjem 13. titule prvaka Crne Gore, devete uzastopne (prošle godine poništena je sezona).

Budućnost Bemax je u finalu doigravanja bila bolja od Podgorice (62:46, 82:62) i očekivano došla do još jednog trofeja, kojim je stavljena tačka na ovu sezonu.

Budućnost Bemax je naslov prvaka stekla pravo na igranje u WABA ligi 2021/22 u kojoj Crna Gora ima jedno mjesto.


Buducnost Bemax claim ninth straight title without a loss

Buducnost Bemax remained unbeaten on the domestic scene for a decade, and this was confirmed by winning the 13th title of the national champion of Montenegro, the ninth in a row (the previous season 2019/20 was canceled).

Buducnost Bemax defeated Podgorica in the playoff finals (62:46, 82:62) and, as expected, came to another trophy, which put an end to this season.

Buducnost Bemax has won the title of champion in the WABA league 2021/22, in which Montenegro has one place.