
Budućnost Bemax-Beroe 20-0

Neodigrana utakmica 11.kola WABA lige 2019/20 Budućnost Bemax-Beroe je registrirana službenim rezultatom 20:0 u korist domaće ekipe Budućnosti Bemaxa.
Utakmica nije odigrana jer gošče iz Bugarske nisu doputovale u Podgoricu. Nakon 15-minutnog čekanja su suci podbacili loptu i zatim službeno odsvirali kraj utakmice.
Beroe je shodno propozicijama WABA lige kažnjeno oduzimanjem jednog boda te financijskom kaznom.


Buducnost Bemax forfeits the game against Beroe

Buducnost Bemax was awarded today the 20-0 win by forfeit of Beroe.
The game of the WABA League 2019/20 Round 11 Buducnost Bemax-Beroe, which was scheduled for Thursday, December 26, was not played because the guests from Bulgaria did not travel to Podgorica..
Referees gave Buducnost Bemax the 20-0 win after the opposing squad didn’t show for the game 15 minutes after the scheduled start.
Beroe is sanctioned with minus one point at the standings and a financial fine.