Aline Moura treća reprezentativka Brazila u WABA ligi 2024/25

Dolaskom u Beroe je krilni centar Aline Moura (185 cm, 1997) postala treća reprezentativka Brazila u WABA ligi 2024/25, nakon što su Thayna Silva i Leticia Soares već od početka sezone u Cinkarni Celje.

Moura je posljednje tri sezone igrala za SESI Araraquara Baskuete.  U prošloj je na 16 utakmice brazilskog prvenstva LBF imala prosjeke od 11.0 poena, 6.3 skokova, 1.7 asistencija i 1.0 ukradenih lopta. Sa ekipa je osvojila ligu LBF i kup te bila najkorisnija igračica (MVP) finala prvenstva. Odigrala je 5 utakmice Lige Sudamericama i bilježila po 11.4 poena, 7.8 skokova i 1.0 asistencija po nastupu.

Moura je reprezentativka Brazila od  2019.godine. Na Panameričkim igrama je 2003.godine osvojila zlatnu medalju, a prošlu godinu je sa Brazilom igrala i na Prvenstvu Svijeta te Prvenstvu Južne Amerike.

Klupsku košarku je igrala u Portugalu (GDESSA/Barreiro and Clube Desportivo Torres Novas) i Turskoj (Bešiktaš).

Aline Moura joins Beroe to become the third Brazilian NT member in the 2024-25 WABA League

Beroe fortified its frontline by signing Brasilian power forward Aline Moura (185 cm, 1997). She became the third Brazilian national team member in the 2024-25 WABA League, joining Thayna Silva and Leticia Soares from Cinkarna Celje.

Moura has played with SESI Araraquara Baskuete for last three years. In 16 Brazilian Liga de Basquete Feminino games she averaged 11.0 points, 6.3 rebounds, 1.7 assists and 1.0 steals. Moura helped them to win the LBF title and the cup. It was a great season indeed as she was awarded LBF Finals MVP. She also played 5 games in Liga Sudamericana where she averaged 11.4 points, 7.8 rebounds and 1.0 assists per appearance.
Moura has regularly played for the Brazilian senior team since 2019. She represented Brazil at the Panamerican Games for Women in Santiago (Chile) two years ago and her team won Gold. Moura has also played with Brazil at the 2024 World Cup and the 2024 South American Championship.
She has also played professionally in Portugal (GDESSA/Barreiro and Clube Desportivo Torres Novas) and Turkey (Besiktas).