Adijat Adams u Basket Kam

Basket KAM se je za premijernu sezonu u WABA ligu pojačao još sa američkim centrom Adijat Adams (188 cm, 1992). U WABA ligu se vrača nakon jednogodišnjeg odsustva te je drugo inozemno pojačanje makedonskog prvaka, nakon što je već prije došla crnogorska reprezentativka Snežana Aleksić. Obje su bile suigračice već u sezoni 2017/18 u Valenciji.

Adams dolazi iz Beroea, gdje je na 17 utakmica WABA lige 2019/20 imala prosjeke od 13.2 poena, 7.9 skokova (sedma u ligi), 1.0 asistencija, 1.6 ukradenih lopti i 0.6 blokada.

Ljeto 2019. je bila Argentini i sa Quinsom osvojila ligu Clausura i Superkup. Odigrala je 10 prvenstvenih utakmica sa prosjecima od 13.0 poena, 10.6 skokova (četvrta u ligi), 1.1 asistencija i 1.2 blokada.

Adams je igrala još za Residence de Walferdange (Luksemburg), Kronos Agiou Dimitriou (Grčka), Mandurah Magic, Albury Wodonga Lady Bandits (Australija) I Valenciju (Španjolska).

Studentsku košarku je do 2012.godine igrala za Biola University (NAIA).


Basket Kam inks Adijat Adams

Basket KAM continued building the roster for its WABA League debut by inking American center Adijat Adams (188 cm, 1992) who returns to the WABA after a one-year absence. Adams is the second import player in the roster as Montenegrin Snezana Aleksic signed here earlier. Both were teammates at Valencia back in 2017-18.

Adams arrives from Beroe for whom she averaged 13.2 points, 7.9 rebounds (ranked 7th), 1.0 assists, 1.6 steals and 0.6 blocks in 17 WABA League games during the 2019-20 season.

The previous (2019) summer she played at Quinsa in Argentinian LaLiga where in 10 games she averaged 13.0 points, 10.6 rebounds (ranked 4th), 1.1 assists, and 1.2 blocks per game. Adams helped them to win the Argentinian La Liga Clausura title and the Supercup.

She has already played with Residence de Walferdange (Luxembourg), Kronos Agiou Dimitriou (Greece), Mandurah Magic, Albury Wodonga Lady Bandits (Australia), and Valencia (Spain).

Adams attended Biola University (NAIA) until 2012.