021 dodali Miller-McCray

Novi klub WABA lige 021 iz Srbije je u roster za sezonu 2020/21 dodao još jednu novu igračicu, Amerikanku Shaquandu Miller-McCray (193 cm, 1998).

Miller-McCray dolazi iz Georgia State University i za »pantere« je igrala sve četiri NCCA sezone. U posljednjoj na svih 29 utakmica sa prosjecima od 4.3 poena, 7.1 skokova, 0.9 asistencija, 1.0 ukradenih lopti i 2.4 blokada.


021 adds another new player, Shaquanda Miller-McCray

WABA League newcomer 021 of Serbia added anoother new player to their 2020-21 roster by inking American Shaquanda Miller-McCray (193 cm, 1998).

Miller-McCray just graduated from Georgia Stata University. She has played there fort the last four years. Last season she played 29 NCAA games and had 4.3 points per game with 7.1 rebounds, 0.9 assists, 1.0 steals and 2.4 blocks.